Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Remove Nicotine Stains

Have you ever wanted to know how to remove nicotine stains? If so, you also know that it's no easy task. This article will give you some great tips in order to do this. If you've recently quit smoking and now hate the smell of cigarettes, which is often the case, you also want to remove nicotine stains. You may find this may be almost as difficult as quitting smoking may have been.

Well, take heart, there are ways to aid you in doing this stain removal and can really make it easy to do as well. Listed below are some great tips to do this:

  • If you need to remove stains on your teeth, this is an easy fix. There are literally hundreds of products on the market that allow you to remove those yellow stains that are on your teeth as a result of smoking. Simply look around to find one with good reviews and that's all you need. Also, when you stop smoking this can make a huge difference.
  • To remove the stains on your white clothes, a good bleach will take care of that. Just add Clorox to your rinse cycle and let them soak for a while. This should get rid of any and all stains.
  • If you wish to get rid of nicotine stains from your fingers, well time should take care of that. It may take quite some time, but they should eventually go away as should the stains you may have on your nails. That yellowish tint will take time to get rid of but should be possible.

Also, bear in mind that there are many stain removal products that can remove anything on your floors or furniture as well, so there shouldn't really be a problem removing nicotine stains like there may have been in the past.

With all the technology available today to use when it comes to cleaning products it' a much easier task to undertake these days. You can find a product that can be used as a great stain removal product to use on a daily basis.

Remove nicotine stains used to almost impossible to do but as you see, it's much simpler in this day and age. Of course one of the best ways to avoid them entirely is not to smoke and this is also a great method to use for a lung detox as well. Smoking is extremely bad for our health, and your lungs so do all you can to quit. It's the best decision you'll ever make.