Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nature's Most Supreme Achievement-Our Body

Throughout life, the body constantly changes. But what never changes is the need for proper nutrition. Whether you're a man or women; a teenager, young adult, middle-aged or senior citizen; nutritional researchers agree that proper nutrition may be the easiest way to reduce the risk of many health issues.

Every second, millions of cells in the body die and millions of new cells are created. Obviously, it is critical that the tissues and organs be supported with the life-sustaining nutritional building-blocks necessary to fuel the body and brain and help promote better cardiovascular, circulatory, neurological, musculoskeletal, reproductive and digestive system health. Unfortunately, the modern American diet; which is high in fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt; makes us overweight...yet leaves us undernourished.

Our Life Today
At one time parents strictly adhered to good basic nutritional practices: fresh foods, lots of healthy fruits and vegetables, and wholesome home-cooked meals. But today, between home work and family, there's simply is no time to squeeze in a daily trip to the supermarket. So, people tend to eat what is convenient. They grab a donut for breakfast. They send the kids off to school with pre-packaged lunches. And working couples pick up the family dinner at a fast-food restaurant. Not surprisingly, subsisting a diet of manufactured, synthesized, refined and processed foods that are high in fats, sugars and chemicals makes us overweight...yet leaves us undernourished.

How Serious Is The Problem?
It's more serious than we care to admit. Every health agency in the country; including The American Heart Association, The American Cancer Society, The National Institute of Health, plus dozens of other health-related professional groups; are in perfect agreement on this subject and are saying that without a diet high in fruits, grains and green vegetables, the consequences could be heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, obesity...and other health problems. And as you age, the risk factors become even greater.

Health Supplements to the rescue:
It is advisable that the body's nutritional requirements are fulfilled directly from the food. However, we all know that eating right isn't always easy. So it's smart to choose the right supplement to fill the nutritional gap.
Supplements like Royal Greens and Ruby Reds are superfoods supplying a broad range of nutrients we should be consuming. Green Tea Plus gives the high dosage of antioxidants to support the immune system. These products are the best nature has to offer. They are pure and natural. No fillers, preservatives or additives are ever used. They're made of real food...not chemicals.

A Word of Caution
The genetic make up of every person is unique and so is the need for nutritional supplements. For a workaholic 21st century American to have an efficient health support, it's important to regularly consult a doctor or nutrition specialist. As The Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, New York quotes "If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow."